Reverse Diaspora
The returning. The returned. Those who never left, or do not exist.
This project considers culture, place, identity, and belonging. Who we are. Where we are from. Where we feel we belong. We cling to labels. Search for them. Those who identify as part of a diaspora often have only the most tenuous links to the place they call home. But this identification is a tether, an anchor of self.
I am a person who has no home. I was born in a place. Raised there, but not there. Lived in places far and wide and now call another "home". Yet it is not home. It is the place where I live. My identity is not bound to a space, though I sometimes envy those who feel such a tie. I skate across the surface of existence with the most tenuous ties to where I lay my head. I am not an expat or a migrant; I am a nomad who is not nomadic.
This project considers culture, place, identity, and belonging. Who we are. Where we are from. Where we feel we belong. We cling to labels. Search for them. Those who identify as part of a diaspora often have only the most tenuous links to the place they call home. But this identification is a tether, an anchor of self.
I am a person who has no home. I was born in a place. Raised there, but not there. Lived in places far and wide and now call another "home". Yet it is not home. It is the place where I live. My identity is not bound to a space, though I sometimes envy those who feel such a tie. I skate across the surface of existence with the most tenuous ties to where I lay my head. I am not an expat or a migrant; I am a nomad who is not nomadic.